The Divine Feminine Oracle : A 53-Card Deck & Guidebook for Embodying Love by Meggan Watterson
The feminine is as essential to the world as oxygen or gravity. It is women who give life and women who nurture it. Each of us has a part of the divine feminine within us, but for many of us this has become suppressed, silenced or forgotten.
This Divine Feminine Oracle Deck is an invitation to reconnect with the sacred feminine that exists within us. This beautiful deck contains 53 cards with representations of divine women from myths, religions and history. They are world-renowned saints, mystics, poets and priestesses from a diversity of races and cultures, including Mary Magdalene, Khadijah, Kali, Quan Yin, Green Tara, White Buffalo Calf Woman, Mai Bhago, Queen Esther, Brigid, Isis, Yemoja, Ariadne and Freyja. Each card is accompanied by a message that reveals the aspect of the feminine you need to integrate and embody more fully in your life. This deck is for all women seeking healing, empowerment and transformation.

Meggan Watterson is the founder of REVEAL, an organization that spiritually empowers women to connect to the love within them, reclaim their bodies as sacred, and become soul-led agents of change in the world. She facilitates The REDLADIES- a women's spirituality group in NYC where women come together to encourage each other to find, hear, and to follow the courageous and audacious voice of their soul. (Some break bread together, REDLADIES break dark chocolate. Smile.) She has her Masters of Theological Studies from Harvard Divinity School and a Masters of Divinity from Columbia University. Her work has been featured in media outlets such as The New York Times, Women’s Radio,, and