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Lavender Pure Essential Oil 10ml
Lavender is again seeing a resurgence in popularity because of its anti-bacterial, anti-biotic, anti-viral, antiseptic, deodorising and insect repelling properties.
Breathe Easy Pure Essential Oil Blend 10ml
Helps promote clear airways, especially during winter ills and chills.

Our Breathe Easy Blend contains eucalyptus, lavender, cinnamon leaf, lemon and peppermint essential oils.
Cedarwood Pure Essential Oil 10ml
Cedarwood is possibly the very first essential oil. It has a long history of use as incense and perfume and the Egyptians used it for embalming and in cosmetics. These days it remains popular for its woody masculine scent in men’s colognes and cosmetics, and for its harmonising and balancing effects on the mind and body. Cedarwood is of great use for oily skin, helping to balance oil production and tone the skin with its astringent and antiseptic actions. These properties also make it a popular hair tonic to promote healthy hair, balance greasy hair or scalp, and address dandruff or hair loss. Cedarwood is a great oil to use as an inhalation or chest rub to ease congestion, coughs and bronchitis. It has been traditionally used for urinary tract conditions, useful in compresses or baths for cystitis. It also acts as a lymphatic and circulatory stimulant in massage oil blends for arthritis and cellulite. The woody outdoorsy fragrance of Cedarwood has a grounding effect to calm nervous tension, balance an upset nervous system and promote an open and positive mind. It can be a very helpful oil to diffuse during meditation. Cedarwood has long been prized for its insect repelling odour and insecticide action, useful in wardrobes and linen storage to keep moths at bay and as a natural insect repellent.

BLENDS WELL WITH - Bergamot, Cypress, Cassia, Jasmine, Juniper, Neroli, Frankincense, Clary Sage, Vetiver, Rosemary, and Ylang-ylang.
Cinnamon Leaf Pure Essential Oil 10ml
Cinnamon Leaf has a sharper more Clove-like smell than Cinnamon Bark, and as the leaf yields a much higher percentage of oil than the bark it is also less expensive. Its uses are similar however, acting as a reviving tonic to the body and mind. Its spicy aroma and stimulating nature is perfect to revitalise and clear stagnation. Nature/Essence – Warm & Stimulating. Cinnamon Bark is recommended for cold, congested and weakened states. It stimulates digestive processes, aiding digestion and calming bloating and digestive discomfort. It is highly antiseptic and makes a powerful inhalation during chills, coughs and colds. Cinnamon Bark is also used to ease muscle and joint aches, reviving a tired devitalised body. Cinnamon Bark helps boost vitality and mood during times of nervous exhaustion or debility. It promotes a sense of wellbeing and vigour. Cinnamon Bark makes an aromatic air purifier, good to diffuse for protection during the cold and flu season or when there are sick members of the household. The warm, stimulating scent of Cinnamon helps invigorate and create an uplifting atmosphere in the home, and its antiseptic properties are beneficial in hand wash blends.
Citronella Pure Essential Oil 10ml
Citronella oil is as a plant-based insect repellent with many health benefits. It is anti-bacterial, anti-depressant, antiseptic, anti-spasmodic, anti-inflammatory, and can be used as a deodorant. Research also shows that Citronella oil has strong antifungal properties. It is effective in calming barking dogs, and has even been used as a successful spray-on deterrent against pets destroying household items. Nonetheless, most people will associate it with its insecticide properties. Many commercial repellents contain Citronella It is used in soaps and candles, and it has common applications in massage. This oil can also help with minor infections, but is more commonly known for its ability to assist in combating colds and flu. Citronella can be used for excessive perspiration and for conditioning oily skin and hair. Citronella is once again becoming the product of choice for health conscious customers.
Clove Bud Pure Essential Oil 10ml
Clove oil smells spicy and rich like actual cloves. The oil has long been used in natural medicines. Due to its effect on small organisms, such as bacteria and viruses, Clove Bud oil used in blends works well to help rid your home of potential illness. The oil blends well with many other essential oils. It is an analgesic antibacterial, anti-clotting, anti-fungal, anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial, anti-septic, anti-spasmodic, and anti-viral. Dab a small amount on an aching tooth to numb the pain till you can see the dentist.

History: The word clove comes from the Latin word clavus, meaning nail, since the shaft and head of the clove bud resembles a nail. Cloves and nutmeg were among the most precious of items of Europe of the 16th and 17th centuries, and they were worth more than their weight in gold.
Eucalyptus Pure Essential Oil 10ml
Eucalyptus oil is well-known for its wide range of health benefits. Its properties include anti-inflammatory, anti-spasmodic, decongestant, deodorant, anti-septic, and anti-bacterial. Eucalyptus oil has stimulated a great deal of exploration into its usage in aromatherapy as well as in conventional medicine. Australian Aborigines call it ‘kino’ and they use it to heal serious wounds. Certain people with allergic sensitivities, might get airborne contact dermatitis from eucalyptus, which can be uncomfortable, & even dangerous.
Four Thieves Pure Essential Oil Blend 10ml
Legend has it that during an outbreak of the BLACK plague in the Middle Ages, robbers stole belongings from the plague’s victims. The robbers, according to legend, were spice traders and perfumers. To avoid the deadly plague, they put the magic of their essential oils to work by washing themselves with the infection-fighting liquid referred to as Thieves Oil. Their formula has survived because it is so effective. This all-natural blend makes a great non-toxic disinfectant. Add it to your recipes for a healthy, natural alternative to commercial disinfectants. You can purchase Thieves Oil from me or you can make it yourself.

Four Thieves Blend contains clove, lemon, cinnamon bark, rosemary and eucalyptus essential oil
Frankincense Pure Essential Oil 10ml
Used ceremonially since ancient times for its elevating and expansive effects on the mind, Frankincense oil remains highly valued to this day for its distinctive warm, spicy scent and profound effects on mind and body.
Call for Price: 0274 690 411
Lemon Pure Essential Oil 10ml
Lemon oil's popualarity can be attributed to its stimulating, calming, carminative, anti-infection, astringent, detoxifying, antiseptic, disinfectant, sleep inducing, and anti-fungal properties. The benefits of lemon oil include its ability to treat stress disorders, fever, infections, asthma, obesity, insomnia, skin disorders, hair conditions, stomach problems and tiredness. The aroma is similar to fresh lemon rinds except richer and more concentrated.
Lemongrass Pure Essential Oil 10ml
Lemongrass Essential Oil offers a whole host of benefits for your health. It is an anti-fungal, anti-septic, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and is also used as an anti-depressant. It’s becoming a popular tool in aromatherapy to help relieve stress, anxiety, and depression. If I need a mood boost, I'll pop a couple of drops in my diffuser and I can feel my mood and motivation pick up instantly. Lemongrass brings calm and helps center one with the simplicity of forgiving; ourselves and others. It teaches us the balance of “Forgive and Forget”. Once we realise that we are who we are and all choices have been made by us, the Divine will uplift the spirit to see that freedom of choice is only one of the many gifts he has given unto us.
Patchouli Pure Essential Oil 10ml
Patchouli was first popular in the west during the 19th century. At this time as carpet, fabrics, garments and woven goods produced in India and the Middle East were routinely packed with Patchouli leaf which acted as an insect repellent. This lead to the scent being associated with fine quality goods and in fact the oil was added to locally produced goods in order to disguise their origin and increase the price they could fetch. Sadly the oil fell into disrepute when it was adopted by the counterculture hippies of the 60's and 70's and as a result earned a false reputation as being a cheap, over-powering, nasty oil. In reality, it is highly regarded in perfumery and is a common component of the Chypre family of perfumes. In Aromatherapy, Patchouli oil is considered beneficial for nervous tension, low moods and other symptoms of stress. In skin care it is used because of its regenerating, disinfecting, moistening and cooling of the tissues.

BLENDS WELL WITH Bergamot, Clary sage, Geranium, Lavender and Myrrh.
Peppermint Pure Essential Oil 10ml
Peppermint oil helps clear congestion and heat, and has local anaesthetic and antiseptic properties – great for itching, redness and irritation of the skin or scalp. Use sparingly and well diluted as it can be a skin irritant itself, and has a profound cooling effect. Peppermint’s cooling and relieving action is the best where heat and congestion are predominant.

Peppermint clears the head, refreshing during times of mental fatigue and encouraging concentration and clear thinking. Great in study or work blends, and instils a cool, calm and collected atmosphere in times of anger, nervous tension and heated emotions.

Peppermint oil is a favourite in household cleaning blends for its antiseptic qualities and fresh clean scent. Also a great oil to diffuse to clear and refresh the energy in a room.
Rose Geranium Pure Essential Oil 10ml
Similar to geranium but with rose floral notes in a base that is both sweet and herbaceous. No matter how clean we keep our house, bugs appear once in a while. Adding a little Rose Geranium oil to a standard air freshener mixture helps repel flying insects. Rose Geranium oil is not only a great way to control insects naturally. It's also a beautifully sented oil. In ancient times geranium was planted around the house to deter evil spirits.
Spearmint Pure Essential Oil 10ml
With only trace amounts of menthol, Spearmint is gentler than Peppermint although shares similar actions to soothe and clear the body and mind. Good for children or sensitive people in cases where Peppermint may be too strong, stimulating or cooling. Nature/Essence – Soothing & Refreshing. Spearmint oil helps ease itching of the skin or scalp and has antiseptic and healing properties. Due to the lack of menthol it is gentle on the skin compared to Peppermint. Spearmint is a lovely digestive soother and tonic, great for colic, bloating, flatulence and indigestion. It is also ideal as an inhalation to ease travel sickness and nausea. Spearmint helps ease nasal, sinus or chest congestion and open the airways. Spearmint is uplifting and refreshing during times of mental fatigue and low mood. It gently stimulates and clears the mind to restore balance and focus. Spearmint is a wonderful fresh and cleansing oil to use in household cleaning blends, natural mouthwash and toothpaste, insect repellents, and to diffuse in the home to uplift and refresh the atmosphere.

BLENDS WELL WITH Basil, Eucalyptus, Rosemary and Jasmine.