We have 2 workshops coming up in December. Introduction to Tarot...
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and What's Up 2023?
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If you have any questions feel free to contact me through phone or email dee@thewoowooshop.co.nz
The shelves are full so I thought it would be the perfect time to open up the house Saturday this coming Labour weekend. Come join us in having a lovely time chatting, laughing together while browsing all the cards, book and other goodies we have here. It is totally the best way to shop for your Woo-Woo goodies! I'll make as much coffee and tea as needed. I’m excited to be seeing all you beautiful people, if feels like ages since the house has been full of Woo-Woo joy like this. #FUNDAY
See you then!
Deer Mouse - Nest from Prairie Majesty Oracle by Kara Simons and Amy Putney Koenig.
"Would more tenderness help?"
Let's talk self talk. When challenging situations or feelings arise, is your inner dialogue critical or reassuring? How do you instinctively treat yourself?
It's impossible to avoid difficult experiences in life. We go through them and witness others doing the same. Think back to a time when you supported and encouraged a friend or relative. Are you treating yourself with this same care?
Deer Mouse scampers to your feet with a mindfulness exercise today. Reach down with cupped hands, invite him to crawl on, and lift his eye to eye. His body is covered in soft, fine fur reminiscent of Deer's brown coat and white underside. What feelings does his tiny presence evoke? His expression is probably sweet and sleepy - he's used to spending the day in his nest. If you feel comfortable, imagine placing him inside your chest so he can curl up and rest on your breastbone. Allow his presence to represent your vulnerability, your inner child, your need for tenderness.
If you wouldn't say it to Deer Mouse think twice before saying it to yourself.
Deer Mouse also asks us to use our power for the uplifting of everyone. There is no hierarchy of importance in a truly free society.
Prairie Majesty Oracle is an oracle that will help to explore your sovereign nature. The cards are categories into 4 groups which represent different types of actions - Do, Know, Feel & Claim. All cards feature a flora, fauna, or elemental being. Each card includes an open-ended question that offers and anchors a fresh perceptive. This of it like a doorway into working with that energy. At the bottom of the cards, you'll find a verb reminiscent of something this being does in the wild. The verb are in boxes, colour-coded to tell you which category. There 4 bonus cards to help suggest the movement of the energy flow in a spread. They help you see overarching themes in how the other cards fit together.
Why don't you come on over to the forum and share your daily cards with us! If you don't have an account, it's free to sign up. See you over in the forum, Dee x
Killdeer - Strut from Prairie Majesty Oracle by Kara Simons and Amy Putney Koenig.
"Am I carrying myself with love?"
What makes you feel good in your body? Maybe it's wearing a favourite colour, eating a delicious meal, grooving to music, feeling sunshine on your face, soaking in a hot tub, movement, giving or receiving a sincere compliment - anything that boosts vitality.
Today Killdeer reminds you of the power potential in the physical. Remember, your body is a vessel. What are you filling it with? Using love as your rubric to choose will only embolden personal expression. We need the uniqueness that is beautiful you, with all your quirks and spark and pizazz.
Embrace who you are with confidence, and let your fantastic show just like the Killdeer. She embodies being oneself. On the ground, Killdeer struts and bobs her head, calling sharp high dee notes.
Prairie Majesty Oracle is an oracle that will help to explore your sovereign nature. The cards are categories into 4 groups which represent different types of actions - Do, Know, Feel & Claim. All cards feature a flora, fauna, or elemental being. Each card includes an open-ended question that offers and anchors a fresh perceptive. This of it like a doorway into working with that energy. At the bottom of the cards, you'll find a verb reminiscent of something this being does in the wild. The verb are in boxes, colour-coded to tell you which category. There 4 bonus cards to help suggest the movement of the energy flow in a spread. They help you see overarching themes in how the other cards fit together.
Why don't you come on over to the forum and share your daily cards with us! If you don't have an account, it's free to sign up. See you over in the forum, Dee x
Walnut Tree - Crack from Prairie Majesty Oracle by Kara Simons and Amy Putney Koenig.
"What do I know without knowing WHY or HOW?"
The brain's intelligence is unmatched by anything humans have been able to invent. It holds continual secrets for us to unlock and understand. Usually, we approach this from the standpoint of harnessing our logical and analytical abilities. This has enabled all kinds of achievements and advances. However, elusive left-brain thinking discounts or even dismisses altogether those things we Know without being able to explain.
Walnut Tree helps us unwrap the layers that shroud our innate wisdom and counsels us to use our brains in service to our hearts, rather than the other way around. Accessing the brain-shaped walnut takes work, from shaking it off the tree to removing the hull and then finally cracking the shell to reveal the meat inside.
The answer to all of your questions exists inside you. You're probably aware of it or can feel it nudging you for attention, however hazy that sensation feels. Wrapped around your answer is a shell, likely composed of fear. Walnut Tree encourages you to apply pressure and crack that nut open already! What do you have to lose?
Experiment with this process to gain confidence. Take baby steps if you need to. But don't ignore what you know. Its purpose is to serve you, never to harm. This message is so important that Walnut Tree insisted on inclusion, even though she's not typically part of the prairie ecosystem.
Prairie Majesty Oracle is an oracle that will help to explore your sovereign nature. The cards are categories into 4 groups which represent different types of actions - Do, Know, Feel & Claim. All cards feature a flora, fauna, or elemental being. Each card includes an open-ended question that offers and anchors a fresh perceptive. This of it like a doorway into working with that energy. At the bottom of the cards, you'll find a verb reminiscent of something this being does in the wild. The verb are in boxes, colour-coded to tell you which category. There 4 bonus cards to help suggest the movement of the energy flow in a spread. They help you see overarching themes in how the other cards fit together.
Why don't you come on over to the forum and share your daily cards with us! If you don't have an account, it's free to sign up. See you over in the forum, Dee x
Honeybee - Sweeten from Prairie Majesty Oracle by Kara Simons and Amy Putney Koenig.
"What is mine to share?"
The Honeybee is a giver. Like a needle pulling thread, she buzzes from flower to flower, sewing tiny, perfect stitches in the fabric of life. Her gathering of pollen and nectar ensures food for many, including us. With other workers, she also produces an astounding amount of honey, more than the hive needs. Rich, sticky and treasured, this amber sweetness never spoils.
Stepping into the Honeybee's energy it offers two different possibilities. At one end your cup may be overfull in a material or metaphysical sense. No need to overthink the release of your surplus. The spillover will happen organically at this vibration if you choose it. Fly with Honeybee, spreading gladness in the ways that come naturally to you.
At the other extreme, you might feel emptiness, even despair. When the sweetness of life feels like a trick, being told to share it can feel like censure. But that is not Honeybee's way. Listen for her hum as she keeps you company in the dark. Ask her to help you see the threads connecting all of us to life and to each other. Feel the golden strands inside you, filaments of faith and abundance twisted together in ready supply. Your umbilical cord to the Great Mother is always intact, even when you can't see it. With each rebirth from the void, you have greater capacity to share this certainty.
Prairie Majesty Oracle is an oracle that will help to explore your sovereign nature. The cards are categories into 4 groups which represent different types of actions - Do, Know, Feel & Claim. All cards feature a flora, fauna, or elemental being. Each card includes an open-ended question that offers and anchors a fresh perceptive. This of it like a doorway into working with that energy. At the bottom of the cards, you'll find a verb reminiscent of something this being does in the wild. The verb are in boxes, colour-coded to tell you which category. There 4 bonus cards to help suggest the movement of the energy flow in a spread. They help you see overarching themes in how the other cards fit together.
Why don't you come on over to the forum and share your daily cards with us! If you don't have an account, it's free to sign up. See you over in the forum, Dee x