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Women of the Golden Dawn by Mary K. Greer

These remarkable women, core members of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, left a lasting imprint on the politics, literature, and theater of 19th-century Europe


Will the Drama Ever End? by Karyl McBride

Dr. Karyl McBride has the answer for anyone desperate for help in recovering from the damage of being raised in a family headed by a narcissistic parent.


Tarot Elements by Melissa Cynova

Tarot Elements shares five different readings to help you clarify your situation, unstick your life, and move forward to a better version of yourself even if you feel like a complete mess. Author Melissa Cynova noticed that clients often turn up for readings with extremely complicated problems. She developed the five readings described in Tarot Elements as a program for hitting the reset button on life. The earth reading is about home. Air is about mind, fire is about body, water is about heart, and the spirit reading is about your soul and spiritual practice. This book shows you how to use the five readings to focus on one aspect of a problem at a time and resolve the issues that are holding you back.


The Crystal Code by Tamara Driessen

The Crystal Code explains how to the harness the power of these awesome rocks, introducing us to 70 stones and their unique personalities.


Culpeper's Complete Herbal by Nicholas Culpeper

A revised and refreshed edition of Culpeper's classic book on herbal remedies.


The Crystal Directory by Sarah Bartlett

This comprehensive directory of 100 essential crystals specifically addresses the manifestation power of crystals while also detailing their attributes, powers, and divination strengths. The Crystal Directory is both a practical handbook packed with advice and a fascinating source book that includes the attributes of each stone and its spiritual qualities. It includes introductory chapters on what crystals are, both from their scientific legacy and their magical one, caring for and choosing crystals, the importance of chakras and color, plus background on why these particular stones have been used for centuries to help us get what we want out of life. There is also a practical chapter about working with these stones specifically chosen for manifestation. The alphabetical source book section that follows provides information about the uses and benefits for each crystal listed. Each profile has information of crystal appearance and color, availability, physiological correspondences, keywords, geological background and shape/structure, legendary uses, attributes and powers, and how to use the stone. Get to know the crystal world and understand how crystals can be used for divination and healing, as well as for manifesting your dreams. Use the practical exercises and learn how to follow your own pathway to achieve your goals.


The Celestine Prophecy by James Redfield

The Celestine Prophecy contains secrets that are currently changing our world.


Crystal Rituals by the Moon by Leah Shoman

Crystal Guardian's Lunar Guide has been created as not only a guide for beginners, but for seasoned crystal collectors and healers.


360 Degrees of Your Star Destiny by Ellias Lonsdale

A guide to reading your astrological chart more deeply by investigating the degrees, or Star Sparks, of the planets and star cycles


The Rules of Magic by Alice Hoffman

Practical Magic, to date Alice Hoffman's biggest ever selling novel, became a major Hollywood film starring Sandra Bullock and Nicole Kidman who played sisters Sally and Gillian Owens.


Judgement Detox by Gabrielle Bernstein

Judgement - both being judged and judging others - is at the core of our discomfort and the root of many of our life blocks.


Black Moon Lilith Rising by Adama Sesay

Black Moon Lilith Rising is unlike any other astrology book out there on multiple fronts: it is a comprehensive exploration of the placement of Lilith in astrology, it’s a deep exploration into the misunderstood myth and archetype of Lilith, and it incorporates shadow work and spiritual alchemy.


The Secret Of Shambhala by James Redfield

In the remote snow-covered mountains near Tibet lies a community long thought to be a mere myth called Shambhala, or Shangri-La. Here, in this place, is knowledge that has been kept hidden for centuries, and an insight that can have a profound impact on the way each of us lives our lives. Your search for Shambhala begins with the words of a child and the vision of an old friend. Those slender clues and a powerful synchronicity will lead to Kathmandu, Nepal, and then to Lhasa, Tibet.

Amid blowing snows and perilous mountains, you will meet the members of the secret Tibetan sect that guards mysterious legends - the verbal instructions handed down for centuries that describe the inner changes one must undergo before entering Shambhala.

Finally, with Chinese Agents in pursuit, you will pass through regions where anger and compassion struggle for ascendancy, and arrive at a place where the stunning reality about human prayer-energy - our underdeveloped ability to increase the synchronicity in our lives and influence what will happen to us in the future - is revealed.

Like James Redfield's other books, The Secret of Shambhala has a parable effect. Open yourself to this amazing adventure and the experience will stretch your world view. It will also leave you determined to channel your thoughts and wishes into a dynamic force that can help you to liberate your life, enhance the lives of others and actively change the world.


Light Is the New Black by Rebecca Campbell

Light Is the New Black is a guidebook for a new breed of women who are here to be bright lights in the world - modern-day lightworkers, who agreed to be here at this time in history.


Disrupt-Her by Miki Agrawal

Disrupt-Her reminds us that we can create the most disruptive, vibrant, joyful, self-expressed TRUTHFUL life, filled with love, purpose, abundance, and intention.
