Card of the Day - 4th December 2021

Today's Card is Star Seed - Self. Memories. Identity from the Mystic Martian Oracle by Lisa Porter.


Star seeds prior to this or other Earth incarnations have experienced life elsewhere in Cosmoc, other than Earth.

Some Star Seeds have recall activated in their DNA. Due to Earth's limited recall access biosphere (from ancient historical collective trauma), others have no actual memories at all. All Star Seeds have an inkling, sensing or knowing that this incarnation at some point originated and belongs to something somewhere far 'bigger'.

Many Star Seeds have an inner awareness level of consciousness development outside of the predicable mainstream narratives.

Star seeds are typically spiritual in nature and have healing energies. Some are very new souls on Earth, while others are very old souls that have experienced many contracted incarnations on Earth to evolve and pass on ancient esoteric wisdom. The newer souls will be continuing the older soul's work.

Different Star Seeds will naturally resonate towards different aliens and galactic alliances.

It is not uncommon for awakening Star Seeds to have dreams, memories of traveling ET crafts or experiences of UFO encounters.

Star Seeds are here now to assist in transitioning and activation of the collective consciousness on Earth.

Card Meaning: You, self, memories, self hood, identity, me.

Reversed: Loss of identity, clinging to an outer identity too much to define self, identity confusion.

Card of the Day - 3rd December 2021

Today's Card is Agarthans - Manifesting. Multi-Dimensional Perception. Attunement from the Mystic Martian Oracle by Lisa Porter.

Mystic Martian Oracle Cards

Agarthans' (Telosian) ancestors were initially Atlantian and Lemurian refugee survivors from the Atlantis destruction. 

Agarthans are now highly advanced, multi-dimensional and sophisticated civilization that resides inside the pristine core of hollow Earth.

Telos is one of the divine citadels of the Agarthans, located beneath Mt Shasta, where they live a fruitful, serene and abundant lifestyle, far superior to surface dwellers. They typically stand anywhere up to 12 feet in height. Inner Earth's flora, fauna and vegetation is of the finest and purest nutritional quality found anywhere. They live up to 800 years or more and typically the very oldest do not appear older than 40 years of age, in the flesh. The citadels are crystalline, and magical to the eye, while being totally free from any toxins whatsoever. 

Agarthans most avoid traveling to surface Earth, due to the energetic harshness and toxins, through they do visit when need be. Agarthans are looking forward to the human collective ascension of consciousness. They will be participating in the cleaning up and healing of human surface dwellers.

In alliance with other benevolent ET's the Agarthans are gatekeepers of the Halls of Amenti, the ancient self-regulating cosmic portals (stargates) that cannot be entered until initiates of all species have ascended consciousness in their energy field.

Card Meaning: Manifesting, Multi-Dimensional Perception, Attunement, nutrition, abundance, core issues, crystal energies, synchronicities, imagination, strong ethereal light body, attunement to emotional body, living your truth, ascended consciousness, healthy lifestyle.

Reversed: Illness, dancing around issues, focusing too much on surface symptoms and not enough on core reasons, surface understanding, poor mental nutrition, bad advice, weak ethereal light body, disconnected from emotional body.



Card of the Day - 2nd December 2021

Today's Card is Ouroboros - Infinity. Eternal. Past Life from the Mystic Martian Oracle by Lisa Porter.


The ancient Ouroboros symbol of the serpent/dragon with its tail in its mouth is allegorically devouring itself and cyclically being reborn. The word Ouroboros literally means 'tail devouring'. The Ouroboros also represents the consuming or swallowing of external information and experiences that then travels into the inner unseen realms of existence.

Some Ouroboros images are in the circle zero shape, others are in the 8 shape. Both images imply eternity. The Ouroboros is all about eternity and the infinite cycle of creation and destruction in nature, and the multi-dimensional levels of awareness, from surface to literal, to symbolic to transcendental. The Ouroboros speaks of life out of death and resurrection.

Ancient Greeks, Chinese, Egyptians, Aztecs, Gnostics and Phoenicians all used this symbol to explain the recycling of infinity of everything. 

The Ouroboros is also a symbolic of our Milky Way galaxy.

Card Meaning: Yin/yang, past life, inner/outer world, cycles, give/receive, infinity, energy exchange, eternal, returning, rebirth, completion, reincarnation, recycling.

Reversed: Going backwards, regression, going in endless circles, not enough time, not seeing progress.

What do you get from this card?

Card of the Day - 1st December 2021

Today's Card is Shadow Self - Denial. Projection. Shame. from the Mystic Martian Oracle by Lisa Porter.

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Our Shadow Self is a psychological and spiritual perspective regarding the aspects of ourselves that we often either deny, sometimes cannot see, and conceal from public. Every human being and 'Higher Being' has a shadow self. The problem arise when denial or refusal to see the shadow self takes hold as this causes spiritual fragmentation in the psyche and blocks enlightenment and holistic integration.

Shadow selves not acknowledged take on an unaware to semi aware, autopilot type of 'spirit' life of their own, usually resulting in projection when triggered. This is where dark entities subconsciously reside and where Archons can steer and manipulate if a person is not conscious. All dark entities are merely abandoned aspects of all life.

The shadow self typically emerges during early childhood and progressively manifests if not integrated. The shadow self contains anything that we were taught and judged as a small child to see as inappropriate, wrong, shameful or bad, or we were punished or rejected for etc. What we rejected in ourselves is rejected back onto us. These conditions may have been passed onto us through our families, our schools, our communities, our culture etc. The denial of these aspects we do not like or accept in ourselves forces those archetypal aspects of self to be represented. It wanders, not fully conscious, to the 'self' projecting and over-reacting onto others defiantly what they deny in themselves. A basic example of this could be if you angrily over-react towards another who sincerely sad, it is highly probable you have denied and repressed your own sadness.

Facing and owning our shadow self aspects can be challenging, even painful so initially, and requires self-awareness, humility and accountability, while also forgiving ourselves. Shadow work is the true test of self-love. True core healing always contains huge elements of shadow work.

Card meaning: Denial, projection, repressed, childhood wounds, fragmented, over-reacting, triggers, dark night of the soul, shame, self-loathing and addiction.

Reversed: Healing, becoming whole, integration and self-awareness.


Card of the Day - 30th November 2021

Today's Card is Earth Element - Survival, Adaptable & Reliable from the Mystic Martian Oracle by Lisa Porter.


Earth is one of the four classical elements and critical energetic forces that sustains 3rd dimensional life on our planet.

  • Earth rules Virgo, Capricorn and Taurus.
  • Archangel Uriel rules earth elements.
  • Pan is an Earth Deity.
  • Earth (Melancholic) is a feminine (yin) element.


Earth symbolically rules:

  • Consistency
  • Hard work
  • Patience
  • Conscientiousness


Card Meaning

Survival, punctuality, routine, perseverance, adaptable, matter of fact, resourcefulness, respectful, nourishment, plants, reliable, trees, steadfast, vegetation, the body, flowers, the body, grounded, mother earth, foundations, soil, family roots, root chakra, practical, winter solstice.

Which 3 words jump out the most for you and why do you think they are jumping out at you?

Card of the Day

Today's Card is Meditation for Peace and Serenity (he really looks like Matt Kann) from the Everyday Witch Oracle by Deborah Blake & Elizabet Alba.

29 November 2021


In this crazy, hectic world we live in, peace and serenity may be more precious that gold and rarer than the most exotic gemstone. Most of us start running from the moment we get up, fueling ourselves with caffeine so we can keep going when we're exhausted, racing from the demands of work to the demands of home with ever little downtime. When we do relax, we often do it in front of of some kind of electronic screen. Eventually this constant stimulation begins to wear us down, like water on a stone, unless we purposely allow ourselves the occasional break for true peace and serenity.

Action: Meditation is a great way to achieve peace and serenity, but if you're not a fan, you can go for a walk. Whatever you choose to do, give yourself at least 15 minutes a day to simply do nothing, this can help you find the energy to do everything life demands of you the rest of the time.

Divination: The card is indicating that you are in serious need of some peace and serenity. And maybe a nap. If you have been feeling particularly frazzled and pushed to your limits lately, this card is a reminder to stop for a moment and connect with water in someway that will help you to relax. Do the magical work below or just stand under water and let all your troubles wash away.

Magic: Sometimes we forget that we can use water in the simplest ways - by drinking it. If you are in need of some peace and serenity, try making some magical water. Start with a glass or jar of water, the pure the better. If you want you can add a clean quartz or amethyst crystal in the bottom and a sprig of rosemary or lavender. Leave it somewhere over night for the moon to shine on it. If you are going to put it outside use a jar. As you do the preparations, keep in your mind the intention of creating water for use in peace and serenity work. Then, when you use it the water the next day, hold it up to the sky and say, "Gods and Goddesses, power of Water, please bless and consecrate this water for positive use, that it may bring me peace and serenity with every drop I drink." then sip it slowly, feeling calm filling you with every sip.

Today's Card is Inspiration and Courage from the Everyday Witch Oracle by Deborah Blake & Elizabet Alba.

28 November 2021


Life is full of challenges. Some of them we take on willingly. Some of them come out of nowhere when we least expect them. Good or bad, happy or sad, all those things that challenge us also give us the opportunity to grow stronger, to push our boundaries and move out of our comfort zones, to reach deep inside or reach out towards others. Whether you are seeking inspiration for work or play or dealing with illness or grief, don't underestimate the power of your own thoughts.

Action: We all have patterns of thinking that are a part of who we are as human beings. Some of them work for us. Some don't. During challenging times, or when you are seeking to push yourself to be more creative or make big changes, it is easy for those patterns of thought to get in the way of forward movement. Take a few minutes to consider your own patterns: do you default to the positive or the negative? Do you automatically think, "I can do it" or "I'll never succeed"? Are you willing to do something new or do you cling onto the old? Do you let other people help you if you need help or believe you must always tough things out on your own? If everything is working perfectly, that's great. But if not, perhaps it is time to consider changing those patterns. It's hard work, but it can be done if you stay self-aware and keep plugging away.

Divination: If you get this card, you are probably in need of either inspiration and courage, or possibly both. That’s okay because this card is telling you that it’s out there. Or maybe waiting inside of you. If it is inspiration that you need, look to the natural world that surrounds you. It is full of wonders. But don’t forget to look inside you too. The human mind is an amazing place, filled with ideas and possibilities that few of us explore fully. If courage is what you seek, you may discover a core of inner strength you never knew existed. But don’t forget to let others encourage you and reach out to elemental forces of the universe: spiritual beliefs no matter what they are, can be a great source of both inspiration and courage if you remember to call on them when you need them.

Magic: Carnelian is a wonderful stone for both creativity and courage. Sit with a piece of Carnelian and ask the element of Fire to help you to connect to the power inside of the stone. Ask for help with whatever you need and feel the stone vibrate with that power. Then carry the stone with you when you need that extra boost.  

Today's Card is Strength and Resilience from the Everyday Witch Oracle by Deborah Blake & Elizabet Alba.

27 November 2021


Strength means different things at different points of our lives. Sometimes it means having physical strength to run marathons, climb mountains, or dance until the wee hours of the morning. Sometimes it means having the emotional strength to triumph over adversity. We can't all be superman and leap tall buildings in a single bound, but we can be strong in the ways that are important. Sometimes strength is less about muscle and more about will.

Action: Do something that challenges you, something that calls on you to have just a little bit more strength than you think you have. Walk a little further than usual. Stand up to a bully. Give up an addiction. Be strong. You can do it!

Divination: This card is telling you one of two things - or maybe both. If you wanted to know if you should or could do something, the answer is "YES, go for it. You have the strength and ability to succeed." You are stronger than you think. Take heart.

Magic: To do a simple spell for strength and courage, light an orange, white or brown candle. Focus on what strength means to you and pull the strength of the earth below. Visualise yourself growing strong roots and a trunk like a mighty tree. Feel your limbs stretch up towards the sky and say, "Earth, lend me your strengths, so that I am strong like the oak, able to stand against the storms of life."

 Today's Card is Speak Your Mind from the Everyday Witch Oracle by Deborah Blake & Elizabet Alba.

26 November 2021

everyday witch oracle SPEAK YOUR MIND

The element of Air rules over speech, probably because our words are carried on our breath. Many of us have a hard time saying what is really on our minds. We either hold back from speaking because of insecurity or fear of causing a fuss, or we speak too freely or clumsily, never quite managing to say what we want to, words don't come out the way we want them to. Open, honest communication is hard. But it is the cornerstone of all good relationships, whether personal or professional, so it is worth making the effort to get it right, no matter how difficult that might be.

Action: If you have trouble speaking your mind, try practicing in the mirror or with a friend you trust. If you are going into a difficult situation where you will need to be speaking, ask the element of Air to lend you it's power and feel that power with every breath you take.

Divination: If you pull this card, the universe is telling you to speak up! Is there an issue or situation that you have been struggling with, maybe keeping silent when you had something important to say? Do you feel as you are not being heard at work or in your personal relationships? Remember you can speak your mind assertively without being nasty or argumentative. If you get to speak your mind, that means you have to listen too. But don't let anyone or anything rob you of your voice!

Magic: Sometimes it takes extra courage to be able to speak up when it is easier or safer to remain silent. If you need a boost, call on Mercury, the Roman God of eloquence and communication. Mercury carried a staff known as the caduceus, which is a stick with two snakes wound around it, sometimes topped by a pair of wings. If you are going into a situation where you need to be able to speak your mind with strength and conviction, draw or print out a picture of a caduceus and write your name across it. Ask Mercury to bless the staff and you voice and carry the picture with you when you need it.

Today's Card is Connect with Gaia from the Everyday Witch Oracle by Deborah Blake & Elizabet Alba.

25 November 2021


The earth is our mother, and if we're not in tune with her, the rest of our lives will be out of balance too. The modern world can take us far away from our roots as living, breathing people on a living, breathing planet. Take a moment to connect with Gaia.

Action: Go outside and put your feet on the ground. Raise your hands to the sky and feel the connection from above and below. Pull in energy from the earth, and send back a little of your own in gratitude for her gifts. If you can't go outside, plant your feet firmly on the floor wherever you are and feel the energy coming up through the layers between you and the soil that lies beneath you. No matter how high up you are, the earth is down there somewhere.

Divination: Modern life is full of distractions. Make sure you remember to take time to tune in to the Earth, no matter what else is going on around you. This card reminds you to stay in touch with what is truly important, both spiritually and practically, especially those things that support the rest of your efforts.

Magic: Sit comfortably or stand in front of your alter holding on to a crystal or stone of your choice. Light a candle and concentrate on the stone, sending your awareness deep inside. Try to connect with the energy of the stone, does it feel warm, strong, or comforting? Does the stone have something to offer you that some other stone might not? does it feel as though it could boost your magical work for prosperity, healing, peace, or any other particular Goal?

Today's Card is Tears of Joy and Sadness from the Everyday Witch Oracle by Deborah Blake & Elizabet Alba.

24 November 2021


Life is really simple. There is no such thing as completely good or bad, even the best outcomes may come with a price, and even the worst disasters can offer a silver lining. Loss and grief show us the value of what we had, and how lucky we were to have it. The toughest challenges gives us the opportunity to rise above. That doesn't mean that the hard stuff isn't hard. Of course it is. But if you can find the positive side of even the worst events, it will help you to stay strong and keep moving forward. Maybe you can even inspire others who are dealing with their own difficulties to keep moving forward too.

Action: Think about the tough times you have come through in the past and look back at what followed. Did you survive? Did you grow from the experience and become stronger and wiser or kinder? Did a closing door open another one for something good? If so take a deep breath, look at whatever you're dealing with right now (and let's face it, most of us are dealing with something), remind yourself that one way or another, it is going to work out okay. Perhaps not the way you want it, but okay.

Divination: This card may be an indication that you are struggling with tough times. Or perhaps you are coming out the other side. Maybe both. Either way stay strong and smile when you can, even if it is through tears. If this card doesn't represent you, perhaps it is a reminder that even those who present a happy face to the world may be hiding tears underneath. Be kind and give people the benefit of the doubt. You never know what they are dealing with behind closed doors.

Magic: It's okay to be sad. It's okay to be happy, even when things are horrible. There are two sides to every coin, and no situation is ever black and white. Getting through day to day life is often dependent on finding a balance. In a quiet or sacred space, place two glasses of water in front of you, one almost full and the other one almost empty. Say "Please help me find and keep balance in this challenging world." Pour water from the fuller glass into the emptier one until they are close to even as you can get them. The pour a little back. Do this a few times and when you feel you have a sense of balance, sip a little from each glass and raise them each in thanks to the divine.

Today's Card is Plant the Seeds from the Everyday Witch Oracle by Deborah Blake & Elizabet Alba.

23 November 2021


All things that grow have to start somewhere, with seeds both actual and metaphorical. Whether it is the seed of an idea, a new beginning, or a garden of magical herbs, you have to plant it, and then nurture it well to get the results you want. Caring for your seeds takes effort, but sometimes the biggest challenge is having the courage and forward momentum to plant them at all. What seeds are you planting in your life?

Action: Plant a seed. Heck plant a dozen. Do you like flowers? Then plant flower seeds. Like to cook? Plant culinary herbs or simple vegetables like lettuce or spinach. They grow fast and give you nearly instant gratification. Want something magical? Plant the seeds for magical herbs or of course you could start a new project. That counts too. Plant the seeds for anything that will grow over time and bring you joy.

Divination: This card is suggesting that it's time to start something new. It's time to look for a new job, embark on an adventure, or encourage a budding relationship? Plant the seeds for the future growth in your life, even if you start small. Is there some project you have been considering? This card is a hint that it might be time to take the first step.

Magic: Most witches use herbs and other plants in their magical work. Growing them yourself gives you a chance to put your energy and intention into them from the very beginning, which makes them even more powerful. Choose a herb that is easy to grow. Press the seed into soil either in the earth or in a pot while saying "Element of Earth, receive this seed with which I dedicate to positive magical work. Nourish them and strengthen them, and bless them with power. So mote it be." Don't forget to tend them with extra special care afterwards and thank the plant when you clip a bit for magical work later.

Today's Card is Listening to Wisdom from the Everyday Witch Oracle by Deborah Blake & Elizabet Alba.

22 November 2021


We spend a lot of time surrounding ourselves with noise - TV, phones, and even our own voices. It can be hard to hear anything above the constant hum and buzz of everyday life. Sometimes you have to take time to be quiet and listen. Really listen. Maybe the universe is trying to tell you something and you haven't been able to hear? Maybe your own inner wisdom is crying out to be heard. How will you know if you don't take time to listen?

Action: Go somewhere you can be quiet. If you are staying in your home turn off anything that makes a noise. Then just sit. Don't do anything. Quite your mind as much as you can, and ask, "Is there anything I need to know?" Then listen to see if you get an answer from without or within.

Divination: This card is telling you you're missing something. Whether it is someone close to you, the gods, or just your own inner wisdom, they is something important trying to be told, it's time to shut up and listen.

Magic: Light a candle and smudge yourself to waft away the cares of everyday life that might be distracting you from truly listening. The ask the power of air to help send you the information you need to know. Sit outside and see if the wind will whisper to you. 

Yesterday I went with a group of people to sit with the trees, it was such an amazing day with so many touching experiences. We sat in silence and listened to the wisdom! If you can find yourself a spot outside under a tree, I highly recommend it. 

Today's Card is Make a Move from the Everyday Witch Oracle by Deborah Blake & Elizabet Alba.

21 November 2021

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It is important to keep moving because the body functions best when it gets a certain amount of exercise, and it is true on the metaphorical sense. If we don’t keep moving forward in our lives, our only other choice to go backward – rarely a good idea - or to staying still, which may only work for while before it becomes unhealthy for us. As witches, our goal is to become the best human beings that we can. That means continuing to grow, change and learn – moving forward!

Water is all about change and movement. The only water that isn’t moving is stagnant, and usually that is a bad thing, both for the water and for everyone that depends on it. Make sure you aren’t just sitting still. Get up and do something today even if it’s cleaning the house. Then think about your dreams and aspirations and do one thing, no matter how small, that moves you close to achieving them.

Are you actively working on making positive change and forward movement in your life? If not this card is undoubtedly the universe telling you to stop stalling and just DO IT. Now. Today. Make a move!

If you want to move forward but are feeling stuck, don't worry. It happens to all of us from time to time. Use the power of water to get you moving again.

Magic: This is good to do when the moon is full, if the time works out but you can always visualise the moon shinning on the water. Fill a shallow bowl halfway with water. Light a blue or white candle. Gaze at the light on the water and think about how the moon goes through the it's changing phases ever month, from dark to full and back to dark, waxing and waning with the rhythm of the universe. Think about your life and what you want to achieve. Put your fingers lightly in the water and swirl it around clockwise and say "Power of Water, help me to become less stuck and more fluid. Help me grow in energy every day, moving purposely toward my goals, drawing on the power of the moon. Help me move forward and all positive ways. So mote it be." Then watch the movement of the water until you are ready to rejoin the world.

 Today's Card is Asase Yaa - Joy from African Goddess Rising Oracle by Abiola Abrams & Destiney Powell

20 November 2021.


Goddess of Joy


Temple: Warriors

Element: Bush

Goddess Asase Yaa rules life and death as the joyful crone celebrated as Mama Earth. Her energy is loving, fertile, and nurturing, and her name is invoked at major life transitions.

Your happiness matters. Joy is sacred. Your laughter waters the earth.

Your deserve to be happy. It is safe for you to feel good. Allow yourself to feel joy with no limits. This is self-love. Your happiness doesn't need to look like anyone else's. If you can't imagine it, you won't be able to live it.

Giggle therapy break: Close your eyes and see yourself joy-filled. Now laugh with your mouth and your eyes wide open! Try to release feel-good endorphins.

Goddess Declaration: "I feel like me when I'm happy."

Today's Card is Yasigi - Live Out Loud from African Goddess Rising Oracle by Abiola Abrams & Destiney Powell

19 November 2021.


Goddess of Living Out Loud


Temple: Griots

Element: Water

Yasigi has the reputation of being a free-spirited part goddess. For the Dogon people of Mali, she was the very first Yasigne. The Yasignes are women empowered to participate in the masked dance.

Express yourself. You have something to say. Share your voice and magic. Express your YOUness.

The way you express yourself won't make everyone happy. That's okay. You are not meant to.

Living out loud and self-expression look different for everyone. For outgoing extroverts, self-expression may mean dancing on tables and screaming your points of view. Introverts may speak out in other ways and save the louder parts of their personalities for loved ones.

Goddess Declaration: "I am free to express myself fully."

Today's Card is Aunt Nancy - Betrayal from African Goddess Rising Oracle by Abiola Abrams & Destiney Powell

18 November 2021.

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Temple: Shadows

Element: Air

Anansi or Kwaku Ananse, the Akan trickster god and sacred clown, snuck into our global folktales. While Gullah-Geechee children heard tales of Aunt Nancy, the tricky Spider-Woman, my Guyanese parents entertained us with "Nancy stories" about a witty teen spider.

Who really betrayed you? Betrayals from others mirrors you betraying yourself.

Betrayal is a web that disrupts everything you thought you knew. Use discernment in your relationships. Betrayal makes it difficult to trust. But without trust, your relationships are a lie. Trust that no matter what happens and no matter how long it takes, you will survive and thrive.

The real question: how have you betrayed or abandon yourself?

Goddess Declaration: ' I am willing to know the truth.'

Today's Card is Sara la Kali - Divine Lineage from African Goddess Rising Oracle by Abiola Abrams & Destiney Powell

17 November 2021.

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Goddess of Divine Lineage


Temple: Ancestors

Element: Water

Great Ancestress Sara la Kali (meaning Sara the Black) was an Egyptian prophetess and the patron saint of the Romani people. Oral history says that Sainte Sara had the highest divine lineage.

Your ancestors protect holy grail. The holy grail is you. Divine ones walk beside (and within) you. Trust.

Your ancestors want to remind you that you are not alone. They are rooting for you. They ask you to honour your spirit guides and call upon the power of the Divine.

Create or nourish your ancestral altar or shine. Unbury your ancestors. Speak their names. Your divine lineage ancestors may be blood related or culturally or spiritually connected.

Goddess Declaration: "I am my sister, and my sister is me."

Today's Card is Seven Sisters - Creativity from African Goddess Rising Oracle by Abiola Abrams & Destiney Powell

16 November 2021.

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Goddess of Creativity

New Orleans

Temple: Conjurers

Element: Air

The Seven Sisters were a mystical N'awlins family of identical psychics and conjure women who never ages... but were they? Were the Seven Sisters one shapeshifting women or seven? Time will never tell.

Create, create, create! You come from conjurers and creators. Your blood remembers, use your gifts to multiply your magic. You are a cosmic creatrix and creative force.

You are a divine nation within one person. How creative do you allow yourself to be? Break out of your comfort zone and into your creative fertility. You have the power that creates planets, so yes, you are creative. No one else's opinion matters here.

Let your inner child play to awaken your creativity. Creating is birthing is manifesting.

Goddess Declaration: "I am a creative visionary."

Today's Card is Tanit - Pleasure from African Goddess Rising Oracle by Abiola Abrams & Destiney Powell

15 November 2021.


Goddess of Pleasure


Temple: Conjures

Element: Air

Tanit was the goddess of the stars in ancient Carthage. Today, all the way in Ibiza, they still have pleasure-filled, full moon, midnight table dancing parties in her name.

You are thirsty for more pleasure. You can't thrive when life feels dry. You are made of laughter and stardust, not sawdust. Pleasure is your birthright, a gift from the Universe.

How much juicy pleasure can you stand? Turn up the pleasure principle.

You secretly feel that you don't deserve it, but pleasure is a healing and manifesting force. Laughing, loving, and orgasmic joy is holy. Hold your hands over your reproductive area and say aloud, "I deserve pleasure."

Goddess Declaration: "It feels good to feel good."

Today's Card is Nana Buluku - Seasons from African Goddess Rising Oracle by Abiola Abrams & Destiney Powell

14 November 2021.

Nana Buluku

Goddess of Seasons


Temple: Threshold Guardians

Element: Air

Nana Buluku is the Most High, Supreme Being, primordial mother, grandmother of all the orishas (deities), and Dahomey's wise woman, herbalist, and healer.

You have entered a new cycle that is very old. Allow yourself to become present. Trust in divine timing. Don't be in such a hurry. There are no shortcuts here.

Are you ready for a new beginning? You are in or entering a new season that will force you to evolve. This is a time of major transition.

You are not stuck. you were holding on to old patterns. Change can be terrifying. Allow yourself to be mentored.

When you choose a new path you are right for self sabotage. A commitment test from the universe may pop up to delay this new pathway. Stay the Course. Your time is now.

Goddess Declaration: ' I am limitless.'

 Today's Card is Ayizan - Miracles from African Goddess Rising Oracle by Abiola Abrams & Destiney Powell

13 November 2021.


Ayizan is the Goddess of Miracles

Temple of High Priestesses

Element: Bush

Mambo (Priestess) Ayizan is is the wise Haitian Iwa (deity), queen of the market, riches, and sacred initiations. Respect her as a highly venerated spirit of the first priestess.

You are a magnet for miracles. You are a miracles. What if you truly allowed yourself to believe? All things are possible. Dare to dream bigger.

You claim, you want miracles but you take an "I'll believe it when I see it" approach. What if you will see it after you believe it?

Believe that you deserve to 'be, do, have' the world you want for yourself. You can be your true self, do what awakens your soul, and have your desires.This is life's miracle.

If you have witnessed your miracle yet today, ask for it and allow it in.

Goddess Declaration: "My life is full of MIRACLES."

Today's Card is Oya - Storms from African Goddess Rising Oracle by Abiola Abrams & Destiney Powell

12 November 2021.

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Oya is the Goddess of Storms

Temple of Warriors

Element: Water

Wielding her powerful sword of truth, Oya is the Yoruba goddess of storms, wind, and lightning. Storms bring shift, rapid and uncontrollable change, and at times, chaos.

The winds of change are in motion. Into every life a little rain must fall. Personal storms clear away the old. Sometimes change moves slowly. At other times change is swift.

What would you like to change? If you are not actively changing it, you are choosing it! To make shift happen, focus on what you want. Stop giving your energy to what is not working.

The biggest thing holding you back is you. If you want people and life to treat you better, you go first. If you attract betrayals, stress and strife, the common denominator is you.

Beating yourself up is self-harm. Feel your feelings. Honour your journey. Tell yourself the truth and practice self-compassion.

Goddess Declaration: "I make shift happen."


Today's card is New Moon in Aquarius - Open Up To Change from Moonology Manifestation Oracle by Yasmin Boland and Lori Menna.

11th November 2021.


Big changes are forecast, but you need to let events unfold with as little steering as possible from you. Sometimes you just need to take a bit of space from a person or a situation. If you know you've been too emotional about someone or something, this card offers you the chance to cool things down. A rational, even slightly aloof, assesment of your current circumstances is called for. Allow for things to develope. Try to think of your situation from a different angle.

This card is an especially good sign for matters relating to friends, networks, a wish come true, science, tech or online dating.

Be yourself; independance doesn't have to mean loneliness. A group of peple, rather than one person, may be the ones to help you.

Call in Archangel Uriel, the most cerebral arcangel and planet Uranus which guides the sign of Aquarius and is all about indepedance and revolution. Ask for their help so you can stay cool under pressure.

Affirmation: 'There is only one me, it's safe to be me and I love me!'

The new moon in Aquarius takes place when the sun and moon are on the same degree in Aquarius. It knows humanity is worth saving!

Today's card is Full Moon in Cancer - Let Your Fears Dissolve from Moonology Manifestation Oracle by Yasmin Boland and Lori Menna.

10th November 2021.

fearsdissolveFear and neediness may now be at play. Fear is debilitating while neediness isn't usually very attractive. Acting out of fear is a risky response, so if you dwell on your insecurities what you'll manifest is an extension of those insecurities. The reason why we should face our fears is that in doing so, they often simply dissolve. If we don't face them, they can influence us to act in ways we otherwise wouldn't, which means we can end up manifesting the very thing we were hoping to avoid. To see off the fear that's in you, face it right now.

Find a balance between Cancer's over-sensitivity and Capricorn's coolness.

Facing your fears and working out where they came from will point you in the right direction and get you into the right mindset.

Call in Selene, Goddess of the moon to guide you.

Affirmation: 'I completely love and accept myself as I am.'

The full moon in Cancer takes place when the sun is in Capricorn and the moon is in Cancer.

Today's card is First Quarter Moon in Gemini - Speak Your World Into Being from Moonology Manifestation Oracle by Yasmin Boland and Lori Menna.

9th November 2021.


Think about what you want. Do you really believe you can create it? Do you believe you have what it takes or do you secretly doubt yourself? Here's the thing you can't fool the Universe. Believe in your magic. If someone has spoken or written unkind words to you, counter them with kind words to yourself. Try it. Speak your world into being. Talk about what you want as though it's already happened.

Feel your way through a situation that's partly sacred and partly mundance. Be compassionate and clever.

Ask your soul to speak to you. Listen to your heart and not your mind. Write lists of your goals.

Tune into the Throat chakra found at the base of your throat and is a beautiful sky blue colour. It helps you to express yourself.

Call in the Gemini constellation and say these words: 'Energies of the First Quarter Moon in Gemini, thank you for helping me to raise my thoughts and so my vibration!'

The First Quarter Moon in Gemini takes place when the sun is in Pisces and the Moon is in Gemini. It knows that dreams can come true - and a plan helps.

Today's card is New Moon in Taurus- Know Your Worth from Moonology Manifestation Oracle by Yasmin Boland and Lori Menna.

8th November 2021.

worthYou're on the right track, but you need to go steadily. Knowing that you're worthy of your desires is crucial here. Opportunities open up when you believe in yourself. Dig deep and move past negative comments from others. No matter what happened in the past, if you're aiming to manifest something for the good of everyone concerned, you can do it. Good self-esteem will also boost your manifesting powers, so love yourself more. Know your worth and others will too. Be true to your values.

This card is an especially good sign for matters related to property, possessions, sensuality, love, self-belief and self-worth.

Acknowledge and make a list of your best traits. If you find that hard to do, ask a friend to tell you what's great about you.

Call in Archangel Chamuel, who helps you to find anything, and brings spiritual illumination. Connect with Venus, the planet of love.

Affirmation: 'I deserve to manifest...'

The new moon in Taurus takes place when the sun and moon are on the same degree in Taurus and the energy is all about moving steadily towards your goals.

Today's card has come up again this week New Moon in Scorpio - Go Deeper from Moonology Manifestation Oracle by Yasmin Boland and Lori Menna.

7th November 2021.


You're regaining control of a situation that cut deep. You've moved through your fears and can now see where the issue has come from. Now isn't the time to gloss over the affects. Rather, it's time for you to face your darkest concerns... and go deeper. Your situation may need to crumble before you can be renewed. Magic is called for. It's crucial to stay strong now. Sexuality, it's time to reach for true communion with your partner. Financially, this is a blessed time to work with someone on a joint venture. It's time to release a grudge.

This card is a good sign for matters related to sex, money or an obsession you've been grappling.

Know the you are magic. Clear out negativity to supercharge your manifesting powers.

Call in the energy of Archangel Jeremiel, the angel who helps us to review our lives and Pluto, the planet that guides the sign of Scorpio. Ask for help to see what you need to acknowledge and break through in your life right now.

Affirmation: 'Life goes in cycles and my life is now regenerating.'

The new moon in Scorpio takes place when the sun and moon are on the same degree in Scorpio. It knows that life's most precious treasures lie beneath the surface.

Today's card is Last Quarter Moon in Scorpio - Reveal What Needs To Be SEEN from Moonology Manifestation Oracle by Yasmin Boland and Lori Menna.

6th November 2021.


There are some things that people just don't like to talk about. Drawing this card suggests there's an issue or situation in your life now that might not be easy to air. Or perhaps you feel that you shouldn't air it. That's fine. Now is the time for you to reveal only what you want to be seen. Don't feel the need to discuss everything with everyone, some matters require discretion. The less codependent you are, the better chance you have of getting what you want.

There are two forces at play and neither wants to budge, strong is good, stubborn is a problem.

When you no longer feel the need to tell everyone what you're manifesting, you're ready to start manifesting.

Choose one of these crystals: garnet, pyrite, lepidolite or black obsidian and hold it while you meditate. Visualise a luminous aquamarine light swirling around you. Alternatively, keep your crystal close by as you work through your situation, or use 5 or 6 to make a crystal grid.

Affirmation: 'I know what dramas now are healing crises.'

The last quarter moon in Scorpio takes place when the sun is in Aquarius and the moon is in Scorpio. It knows what friction is what makes pearl.

Today's card is New Moon in Scorpio - Go Deeper from Moonology Manifestation Oracle by Yasmin Boland and Lori Menna.

5th November 2021.


You're regaining control of a situation that cut deep. You've moved through your fears and can now see where the issue has come from. Now isn't the time to gloss over the affects. Rather, it's time for you to face your darkest concerns... and go deeper. Your situation may need to crumble before you can be renewed. Magic is called for. It's crucial to stay strong now. Sexuality, it's time to reach for true communion with your partner. Financially, this is a blessed time to work with someone on a joint venture. It's time to release a grudge.

This card is a good sign for matters related to sex, money or an obsession you've been grappling.

Know the you are magic. Clear out negativity to supercharge your manifesting powers.

Call in the energy of Archangel Jeremiel, the angel who helps us to review our lives and Pluto, the planet that guides the sign of Scorpio. Ask for help to see what you need to acknowledge and break through in your life right now.

Affirmation: 'Life goes in cycles and my life is now regenerating.'

The new moon in Scorpio takes place when the sun and moon are on the same degree in Scorpio. It knows that life's most precious treasures lie beneath the surface.

Today's card is New Moon in Aquarius - Open up to Change from Moonology Manifestation Oracle by Yasmin Boland and Lori Menna.

4th November 2021.


Big changes are forecast, but you need to let events unfold with as little steering as possible from you. Sometimes you just need to take a bit of space from a person or a situation. If you know you have been too emotional about someone or something, this card offers you the chance to cool things down. Allow things to develop. Try to think of your situation from a different angle.

This card is a good sign relating to friends, networks and wishes coming true.

Be yourself! Independence doesn't mean loneliness. A group of people, rather than one person, maybe the ones to help you.

Call in Archangel Uriel, the most cerebral archangel and the energy of Uranus for independence and revolution. Ask for their help with viewing life compassionately but also dispassionately, so that you can stay cool under pressure.

Affirmation: 'There is only one me, it's safe to be me and I love me!'

The New Moon in Aquarius takes place when the sun and moon are on the same degree in Aquarius. It knows that humanity is worth saving.

Today's card is First Quarter Moon in Libra - Keep Your Heart Open from Moonology Manifestation Oracle by Yasmin Boland and Lori Menna.

3rd November 2021.


It is important that you don't allow yourself to get set in your ways. Keep your heart and mind open. Believe in your GORGEOUSNESS! No self-doubt today.

It's a wonderful thing to care deeply, however if you start to smother the person or situation you could run into trouble. Work with others but don't become so dependent that you give away your power. Keep your heart open.

This card can also suggest that it's time to negotiate something, and the way to manifest your goals now could be to come up with a solution that pleases everyone.

The Heart chakra is located in the centre of your cheat and is the gateway between the upper, more spiritual chakras. Visualize yourself with family friends and loved ones in a swirling, flowing column of beautiful healing emerald green light.

Call in the heart energies with these words:

'Energies of the First Quarter Moon in Libra, thank you for showing me how to work with others, and how to give and recieve!'

The first quarter moon in Libra takes place when the sun is in Cancer and the moon is in Libra. It knows that someone giving in can sometimes make everything better.