Card of the Day - 25th February 2022

Be of Service - Be helpful or useful to others, help for the benefit of others, the good of humankind, or the planet. Give without expectation in return from the Seeker Oracle by Ravynne Phelan.


How would you like to help? Picking up rubbish on the beach, participating in volunteer work, fostering animals, rehabilitating injured wildlife, advocating for a cause, or simply allowing someone else to pay for their groceries first - all are examples of acts of service. You don't have to take on a permanent role. Sometimes the simple act of giving another person a reason to smile can have the power to change someone's day, every now and then, even change their life.

There's also nothing wrong with feeling good because you've done something to help another person or cause. Being of service is not meant to be a one way energy exchange. You are allowed to feel satisfied at the end of a long day of volunteer work. Feeling good is a natural reward for accomplishing a task, whether it is something you have competed to benefit others or a goal you have accomplished for yourself. It only becomes problematic when we make feeling good the motivating factor instead of helping others. The goal must always be to do something that benefits others with no expectation of personal gain or reward.

We also need to be mindful of the energy exchange required by giving without the expectation of reward. Make sure the emotional, mental, or financial cost is not more than you can afford or are willing to pay. You cannot be in service to anyone if you run yourself down. Be of service, but remember to look after yourself too.

Have you been using your cards? What did you pull for yourself today? I'd love for you to come on over to the Woo-Woo Connections forum to share them with the community! All you need to do is log in and click the Woo-Woo Connections link under the Info link. If you don't have an account, it's free to sign up. See you over in the forum, Dee x