Card of the Day - 26th February 2022

Reap What Your Sow - Give & Receive from the Seeker Oracle by Ravynne Phelan.


Energy flows back and forth. Hard work is the most important key to success. It is the foundation on which everything else is built. We can tell ourselves anything is possible. We can visualise, embrace a positive attitude and believe in ourselves, but if we are not willing to give our energy and invest it in the physical aspects of creation, then we risk creating nothing more than an illusion.

The future you wish to create begins to manifest. The path you are meant to walk has revealed itself. It's now time to proceed. However, the way ahead may not be easy or simple. The seed may have sprouted, but there are still lessons to learn and work to be done. That seedling needs to be nurtured and maintained. Both your commitment and dedication are required, as well as a disciplined mind. Goals and desires do not manifest simply because you have made a wish. No, they require a fair and equal exchange. What you desire will be equal to what you need to invest.

If you truly believe that you can accomplish your goals, then you will also be willing to do what needs to be done in order to make it happen. Armed with both belief and action, you have a greater chance of success. Your beliefs will lead to behaviour that results in action, and action is required. 

As with all things that involve an energetic exchange, you will reap what you sow.

Have you been using your cards? What did you pull for yourself today? I'd love for you to come on over to the Woo-Woo Connections forum to share them with the community! All you need to do is log in and click the Woo-Woo Connections link under the Info link. If you don't have an account, it's free to sign up. See you over in the forum, Dee x