Card of the Day - 10th April 2022

Afterlife from the Mystical Journey Oracle by Tennessee Charpentier.


Your loved ones who crossed over before you bring you this message: the afterlife is not to be feared! It is full of healing, cleansing and infinite love, a love beyond what any human can imagine. All those times you have felt alone, insignificant and hopeless were just an illusion. The afterlife card is a reminder that you are truly loved, that you are a powerful being and your soul is magnificent.

It is in death that the soul becomes truly alive and free from pain and misery. You are only ever temporarily effected by physical and emotional pain while you are in a human body; you never really die because you are an eternal being.
Imagine what it is like to come here as a light being: you cloak your soul in what feels like many layers of heavy clothing that are confining and restricting. You are grounded by gravity and the low vibrations of earth, and your desired are manifested very slowly. Results from your hard work are often only seen years and years later, if at all, which can be frustrating because as a light being you are used to manifesting your desires instantly. With practice and patience you can begin to bring your soul qualities to your life here on earth. Ask yourself what your soul mission on earth is: what did you come here to accomplish? It will be what resonates with you most, and it can be the simplest thing.
To help clear the way for your soul's mission, connect with your ancestors and ask for their help in healing any lineage of trauma that has been passed through your bloodline. Start by healing yourself, and as you change and heal you will also heal your family. In this way the generations of suffering will stop with you, because you were powerful and aware enough to clear any inherited trauma.

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See you over in the forum, Dee x