Daily Card - 13th April 2022

Self-Realisation from the Mystical Journey Oracle by Tennessee Charpentier.

self realisation
Each step you take on your life journey is a step closer back home to your immortal being of light, and each decision you make takes you down a unique path. Alternative decisions can give you different life experiences but, ultimately, we are all on the same path to shedding our human persona and becoming our higher self again.

In the image on the self-realisation card the middle path symbolises your travels through life and every passing possibility. There are two identical characters, although they exist in different timelines on their life journey. Both are traveling towards the divine face, and both will eventually become their higher selves. The stoic guardians are guides who help you stay on the right path towards self-realisation, for it is your ultimate destiny.

This card can indicate a daring dream that will help humankind. It is waiting in the wings, ready to be manifested by you. Will you heed the call? Listen to the whispers of intuition, as they will make you feel excited and also a little scared, but ultimately thrilled! Set yourself on your highest life path. You are on the blink of realising a bold vision that will help you and others like you: every step you take into the light makes the voyage easier for those behind you.

Stay open and receptive, as there are synchronous events coming your way. They will help you to remember the important decisions you need to make, the ones you decide upon before you came here to earth, and they will guide you onto your perfect life path.

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