Card of the Day - 7th March 2022

The Herbalist - Herbs, Medicine & Healing from the Celtic Spirit Oracle by Nicola McIntosh.


The Herbalist is calling you. Have you always been drawn to herbs? It's time to venture further into learning what the botanical world has to offer you. Plant Spirit Medicine awaits you and there is so much healing, wisdom and excitement waiting for you! You may want to study formally or just dabble in making herbal salves and what-not. Know that whatever path you decide to take will be full of rewards. There are so many plant spirits waiting to help you on your journey.

We, like animals, can search out our own medicine. When we tune into our intuition, we begin to sense the pull to what we need. When we start to work with herbs, we understand the profound change they can create and the vast knowledge and healing they offer. We can choose to make medicines with them or create beautiful foods or even just admire them in your garden. The uses are endless, but once you start working with them you will never go back. They will become a part of you and this will, in turn, help you attune back to nature, with a sense of something long forgotten.

What herb or plant do you feel drawn to? Are you drawn to particular colours or smells? Is there a plant that only seems to grow where you live? What is a herb that you tend to see everywhere? This is them reaching out to you. Take notice of what you see and dig a little deeper on what they mean and why they may be showing up in your life. A new doorway awaits you.

Have you been using your cards? What did you pull for yourself today? I'd love for you to come on over to the Woo-Woo Connections forum to share them with the community! All you need to do is log in and click the Woo-Woo Connections link under the Info link. If you don't have an account, it's free to sign up. See you over in the forum, Dee x

Card of the Day - 6th March 2022

Set it Free - Dreams & Personal Aspirations from the Seeker Oracle by Ravynne Phelan.

Set it Free

We all have dreams and personal aspirations. What we don't all possess is the courage to set those dreams free to see if we can make them into reality. What's holding you back? Are you afraid of being judged and laughed at, or are you scared of how you will feel or be regarded if you try and fail? 

Beautiful soul, don't waste any more time on fictional fears - fears with no foundation. Life is too short to allow them to become obstacles in your path to happiness. It is time to put your fears and doubts aside, set your intentions, voice your desires - even if only on your own hearing - and set your dream free. Set it free and allow it to fly on silent wings to great heights and come back to you when it is time for your dreams to manifest.

Understand that this moment is a beginning. This is your opportunity to set your intentions and make a wish. It is time for you to make a commitment and dedicate yourself to what may become an amazing personal quest that teaches you some life changing lessons along the way.

Have you been using your cards? What did you pull for yourself today? I'd love for you to come on over to the Woo-Woo Connections forum to share them with the community! All you need to do is log in and click the Woo-Woo Connections link under the Info link. If you don't have an account, it's free to sign up. See you over in the forum, Dee x

Card of the Day - 5th March 2022

Not So Black and White - Dualistic Dichotomies from the Seeker Oracle by Ravynne Phelan.


Good versus evil, right versus wrong, normal versus abnormal. We'd like to believe all aspects of our lives are so easily defined, so cut and dried. But it is not so black and white. Even the most simple of decisions may require deeper consideration than first anticipated. A seemingly simple situation may have a complex cause.

Reality is more nuanced than dichotomous. Duality created divisive state, but between black and white exists an infinite spectrum of colours. There is no division or separation. There is the whole rainbow.

Every experience, every situation, every moment is more vibrant colour than black and white, and in colour, resided both the complexity and the truth. For all that we see, there is more that we do not see and need to discover.

Understand that sometimes two who believe they are right can both be right. People can do no wrong for all the right reasons and right for all the wrong reasons. Medicine for one, may be poison to someone else. A process that works for you, might not work for anybody else because we are all different. Not one of us sees the world in the way that you do.

Put an end to black and white thinking. It is divisive. Instead, replace it with a more encompassing process that embraces multiple perspectives, compassion and empathy.

Have you been using your cards? What did you pull for yourself today? I'd love for you to come on over to the Woo-Woo Connections forum to share them with the community! All you need to do is log in and click the Woo-Woo Connections link under the Info link. If you don't have an account, it's free to sign up. See you over in the forum, Dee x

Card of the Day - 4th March 2022

Look to the Future - It's time to look to the future, to plan, and then act from the Seeker Oracle by Ravynne Phelan.


To have goals and dreams is to have something to look forward to. Working to achieve a goal gives our lives both purpose and meaning. It gives us direction, something tangible in which to invest our time and energy, especially if our goal involves doing something we love. It teaches us about commitment, dedication, and manifestation. Goals can motivate and help us to avoid distraction. While accomplishing a goal can be great for our self-esteem and confidence, in simply having goals, we are building our future.

Achieving a goal or making a dream come true takes both planning and action. If you have an idea, and you know that implementing that idea will improve your life, then now is the time to determine what course of action to take. What is your objective? Have you set a realistic, achievable goal? Do you need to set smaller goals along the way? What steps do you need to make to achieve the outcome you desire?

Every action has an equal and opposite reaction. In other words there will be both reward and consequence. There is something to gain, but it will come at a cost. There is always a price to be paid, so you need to be prepared.

Also, be mindful that your goal may need to evolve as time passes. Re-evaluate as you move closer to your desired outcome and allow for change and new direction if required.

It's time to look to the future, to plan, and then act!

Have you been using your cards? What did you pull for yourself today? I'd love for you to come on over to the Woo-Woo Connections forum to share them with the community! All you need to do is log in and click the Woo-Woo Connections link under the Info link. If you don't have an account, it's free to sign up. See you over in the forum, Dee x

Card of the Day - 3rd March 2022

Process and Absorb - Take a break to allow your body and mind to process what is going on from the Seeker Oracle by Ravynne Phelan.

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Sleek and beautiful, Python is an adept hunter who can kill large prey that will sustain and nourish it. When this occurs, Python can go for many weeks without the need to feed again. But the true miracle takes place within the python every time it feeds. It's internal organs - the intestines in particular - double in size within a few days of eating, and as a result, the snake is able to absorb more nutrients with greater efficiency from it's food. Once their meal has been digested, the organs return to their original size.

We humans do not possess the same ability. However, there is wisdom to be found in Python's miraculous internal transformation. Python has its process. It takes in a large amount food, withdraws, and allows its body to go through the process of absorbing its food. When we take on large amounts of information or have an intense physical or emotional experience, we need to do the same.

Python's message is to ask that you take a break if it is needed. Allow your body and mind to process new knowledge or experiences. Especially one that may wrought hard, fast, and lasting change upon you and your life.

Have you been using your cards? What did you pull for yourself today? I'd love for you to come on over to the Woo-Woo Connections forum to share them with the community! All you need to do is log in and click the Woo-Woo Connections link under the Info link. If you don't have an account, it's free to sign up. See you over in the forum, Dee x

Card of the Day - 2nd March 2022

See the Patterns - You can break a harmful pattern and free yourself to move forward from the Seeker Oracle by Ravynne Phelan.


While life can offer us random moments and experiences beyond our control, we also experience repeating moments because we have a particular pattern of behaviour that has a dominant influence. In these moments, we find ourselves having similar experiences that result in the same outcome. If the outcome is a rewarding one, we will repeat the experience to reap the reward - and why not? But what if the pattern offers a greater consequence than a reward or even reducing benefits, or appears to be a reward on the surface but is doing harm? What if the pattern of behaviour does more harm than good?

If you feel like part of your life is on repeat, it might be doing so because you have embraced a behaviour pattern that drives and creates the experience. It might be time to explore your behaviour and the beliefs that influence these repeating moments. It is one thing to create a structured life that offers reward that fulfill and move you forward in a beneficial manner, but it is another to allow unconscious programming to create moments of chaos, hurt and harm.

Every experience offers both reward and consequence. We all have our own unique patterns of behaviour and habits. We all play a role in what we experience. It is time for you to take a closer look and determine whether your patterns are serving you well or doing harm to you or those you love. Yes, some habits are hard to break, but by fostering new healthier habits, this can break you free to move forward.

Have you been using your cards? What did you pull for yourself today? I'd love for you to come on over to the Woo-Woo Connections forum to share them with the community! All you need to do is log in and click the Woo-Woo Connections link under the Info link. If you don't have an account, it's free to sign up. See you over in the forum, Dee x