Daily Card - 14th April 2022

Taking Back Your Power from the Mystical Journey Oracle by Tennessee Charpentier.

The Water lily is an ancient symbol that signifies hope, rebirth and purification. It represents your earthbound human self reaching for the light. On this card the lily roots are buried deep in the mud, which symbolises your earth life. The beautiful flowers emerge from the water and reach towards the sky, embodying your yearning to connect with your higher self. In this image the woman's soul is being tethered by pillars because she is not expressing her needs.

Part of keeping small can be a hesitancy to speak your truth; instead, you stay silent in an effort to keep the peace and minimise conflict. Speaking up means being true to yourself and taking back your power. Maybe you are scared of making a mistake, of making some changes or of finding yourself alone. The taking back your power card appears when you need to say something you've been wishing to verbalise for a long time. Remember who you truly are, for your soul knows that that if you speak your truth you will not only survive but will thrive. Express how you feel even if you are scared, or you run the risk of losing your spirit.

This card may also indicate a situation in which you have stayed silent for too long, walking on eggshells for fear of upsetting another person. It is time to take back your power and say something!

Use the symbol of the water lily as encouragement to speak your truth and acknowledge how you really feel. When you speak up you honour your soul; if you don't speak up you stay underwater and cannot shine your true light.

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Daily Card - 13th April 2022

Self-Realisation from the Mystical Journey Oracle by Tennessee Charpentier.

self realisation
Each step you take on your life journey is a step closer back home to your immortal being of light, and each decision you make takes you down a unique path. Alternative decisions can give you different life experiences but, ultimately, we are all on the same path to shedding our human persona and becoming our higher self again.

In the image on the self-realisation card the middle path symbolises your travels through life and every passing possibility. There are two identical characters, although they exist in different timelines on their life journey. Both are traveling towards the divine face, and both will eventually become their higher selves. The stoic guardians are guides who help you stay on the right path towards self-realisation, for it is your ultimate destiny.

This card can indicate a daring dream that will help humankind. It is waiting in the wings, ready to be manifested by you. Will you heed the call? Listen to the whispers of intuition, as they will make you feel excited and also a little scared, but ultimately thrilled! Set yourself on your highest life path. You are on the blink of realising a bold vision that will help you and others like you: every step you take into the light makes the voyage easier for those behind you.

Stay open and receptive, as there are synchronous events coming your way. They will help you to remember the important decisions you need to make, the ones you decide upon before you came here to earth, and they will guide you onto your perfect life path.

Come over to the forum to share your daily cards with us! If you don't have an account, it's free to sign up. See you over in the forum, Dee x

Card of the Day - 12th April 2022

Energy Shift from the Mystical Journey Oracle by Tennessee Charpentier.

This card appears when you need to pay more attention to the energy you are giving out and to the energetic environment around you. If you concentrate you can become aware of the people who drain your energy, the energy vampires: these are the people who leave you feeling tired and depressed. Guard against those who would bring you down or are jealous of your achievements, choosing instead to spend time with people who make you feel good about yourself and who uplift your spirits. Feel the energy shift.

If you do find yourself in negative situations - and this can sometimes be unavoidable - learn to transmute the energy. Any detrimental thoughts directed towards you that are designed to hurt can be transformed into a harmless exchange. You have the choice: you can retaliate and create worse feelings or you can transmute the energy.

Transmutation can be achieved by filtering undesirable energy through a shield of healing blue light, one that you have visualised and created. Call upon your angels and guides to assist you with this task. Calm your mind and imagine it is a serene lake, creating in the process a state of peace and relaxation. Imagine the blue healing light going from the bottom of your feet and out the top of your head, filling you with beautiful energy. This action will transmute the harmful into the harmless. Know that you have the power to bring positive change into your environment.

"The internal world reflects the outside world when I am at peace. My world is at peace."

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See you over in the forum, Dee x

Daily Card - 11th April 2022

Redemption from the Mystical Journey Oracle by Tennessee Charpentier.


The goddess depicted on the redemption card is opening her arms to the universe, seeking redemption. She is asking for forgiveness, but in her heart she understands that the choices she makes are hers and hers alone. She belongs to no one else. The snakes coming from her chest represent feelings of guilt and self-judgement. Tough decisions have been made, but she has honoured her needs. This has not come without sacrifices, but it has set her upon her highest path.

Redemption rises from the bones of self-blame and regret. This card asks you to move on from the painful past and cast aside any feelings of remorse. What has been done cannot be undone, and you have learned great lessons from your experience.

The proud and gentle stags standing at the top of the image herald a time of positive change and a release of suffering. Deer trust their instincts; they are powerful and interdependent. Learn to trust your own decisions when it comes to doing what is best for you, and do not give this power away to others.

Focus on the wild goddess and feel her power. She is the keeper of her own soul, and she makes her own decisions with grace and beauty. Play some drumming music and dance to the beat with abandon so you can rediscover your wild spirit!

Come over to the forum to share your daily cards with us! If you don't have an account, it's free to sign up.

See you over in the forum, Dee x

Card of the Day - 10th April 2022

Afterlife from the Mystical Journey Oracle by Tennessee Charpentier.


Your loved ones who crossed over before you bring you this message: the afterlife is not to be feared! It is full of healing, cleansing and infinite love, a love beyond what any human can imagine. All those times you have felt alone, insignificant and hopeless were just an illusion. The afterlife card is a reminder that you are truly loved, that you are a powerful being and your soul is magnificent.

It is in death that the soul becomes truly alive and free from pain and misery. You are only ever temporarily effected by physical and emotional pain while you are in a human body; you never really die because you are an eternal being.
Imagine what it is like to come here as a light being: you cloak your soul in what feels like many layers of heavy clothing that are confining and restricting. You are grounded by gravity and the low vibrations of earth, and your desired are manifested very slowly. Results from your hard work are often only seen years and years later, if at all, which can be frustrating because as a light being you are used to manifesting your desires instantly. With practice and patience you can begin to bring your soul qualities to your life here on earth. Ask yourself what your soul mission on earth is: what did you come here to accomplish? It will be what resonates with you most, and it can be the simplest thing.
To help clear the way for your soul's mission, connect with your ancestors and ask for their help in healing any lineage of trauma that has been passed through your bloodline. Start by healing yourself, and as you change and heal you will also heal your family. In this way the generations of suffering will stop with you, because you were powerful and aware enough to clear any inherited trauma.

Come over to the forum to share your daily cards with us! If you don't have an account, it's free to sign up.

See you over in the forum, Dee x

Daily Card 9th April 2022

Sanctuary from the Mystical Journey Oracle by Tennessee Charpentier.


The image on the Sanctuary card embodies the season of autumn and of the slowing down and turning inward. The Autumn Equinox, known as the Celtic festival of Mabon, is a time of introspection and reflection. Day and night are of equal length and the part of the earth, in which you live, starts its journey away from the sun. From the Autumn Equinox until Winter Solstice the days become shorter and the nights longer.
As the leaves start to turn honey and amber the weather gets colder, and your thoughts turn to nourishing food and warm nights by the fire where you can cocoon yourself in sanctuary. Staying at home can be a great way to reconnect with and nurture yourself, and give you some much needed downtime.
This card can be a gentle reminder that the fear of missing out may have you running around doing too much. You don't need to say 'Yes' to everything and you don't need to attend every event. You will be able to achieve so much more if you allow yourself to have a break. Protect your energy by giving yourself permission to rest and let go of the need to be everything to everyone, or the need to be everywhere and to be seen. If you had the benefit of hindsight, what would you tell your future self today about taking on too much?
A beautiful stroll in nature can help you to reset, to breath and just be. Know that you are always loved and protected, and that you are always loved and protected, and that you can trust yourself to defend your precious time and energy.
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See you over in the forum, Dee x