Card of the Day - 1st March 2022

Choose Love - Make 'I love you' a normal part of your everyday conversation. Do it even if it makes you, or them, uncomfortable from the Seeker Oracle by Ravynne Phelan.


Love is a force that binds and connects, inspires devotion and a willingness to commit. We choose to view the world through a filter of love. There are countless reasons to fear, but we can only counter it with love. We acknowledge that there is bad in the world. It is impossible to deny that humanity and its impact on the world can be destructive. It is also impossible to deny that Mother nature can be unforgiving. We must choose to focus on and highlight that which inspires feelings of wonder and awe and do what we can do to nurture and protect the source of those feelings.

Make a choice to choose love; act with compassion, empathy, and kindness. Face the source of any pain, anger, or fear with love. Do not allow pain, anger, or fear to make you hard or cruel.

When we choose love, we choose with our heart not our head. While there are times when we must gather the facts, weigh the pros and cons, and then make a logical and rational decision. There are also times when we must put logic and reason aside and follow the dictates of our heart. Sometimes your heart speaks truer than your head. Your head might offer the most logical option, but your heart knows whether your decision is going to bring you joy or sorrow.

Do what you love. Be loving. Don't withhold love. Love harder. Give compliments, show affection, show interest, and be supportive. Your choice to choose love could transform your life and the lives of those around you.

Let others know how much you care.

Have you been using your cards? What did you pull for yourself today? I'd love for you to come on over to the Woo-Woo Connections forum to share them with the community! All you need to do is log in and click the Woo-Woo Connections link under the Info link. If you don't have an account, it's free to sign up. See you over in the forum, Dee x

Card of the Day - 28th February 2022

Unorthodox Approach - It's time for creative thinking from the Seeker Oracle by Ravynne Phelan.


There are times when it's both practical and sensible to follow traditions, especially if the traditional process works. However, if the traditional approach offers a reduced reward or benefit each and every time, while a new approach has the potential to yield a greater one, then is not the latter worthy of consideration? Yes, there might also be less risk involved by following tradition, but sometimes the risks are worth it when they have potential for changing our lives for the better.

If a way forward - an answer or solution - is not forthcoming, then it might be time to approach it from a direction that you would not normally take. When a traditional course of action yields a lackluster response or takes a direction you're traveled far too many times before, then it might be time to take an unorthodox approach. A new direction or new process could result in an innovative outcome that improves on the original. It's time to experiment and diversify. It's time for some creative thinking. Trust that the solution or answer to external issues or questions resides within your powerful mind.

Octopus is flexible, adaptable and unpredictable. You need to be the same. If people cannot accept that you seek to orchestrate change on your terms, meet their resistance with polite defiance. Be the unorthodox, unconventional rebel or the explorer who forges a new path in a direction that's never been traveled before.

Have you been using your cards? What did you pull for yourself today? I'd love for you to come on over to the Woo-Woo Connections forum to share them with the community! All you need to do is log in and click the Woo-Woo Connections link under the Info link. If you don't have an account, it's free to sign up. See you over in the forum, Dee x

Card of the Day - 26th February 2022

Reap What Your Sow - Give & Receive from the Seeker Oracle by Ravynne Phelan.


Energy flows back and forth. Hard work is the most important key to success. It is the foundation on which everything else is built. We can tell ourselves anything is possible. We can visualise, embrace a positive attitude and believe in ourselves, but if we are not willing to give our energy and invest it in the physical aspects of creation, then we risk creating nothing more than an illusion.

The future you wish to create begins to manifest. The path you are meant to walk has revealed itself. It's now time to proceed. However, the way ahead may not be easy or simple. The seed may have sprouted, but there are still lessons to learn and work to be done. That seedling needs to be nurtured and maintained. Both your commitment and dedication are required, as well as a disciplined mind. Goals and desires do not manifest simply because you have made a wish. No, they require a fair and equal exchange. What you desire will be equal to what you need to invest.

If you truly believe that you can accomplish your goals, then you will also be willing to do what needs to be done in order to make it happen. Armed with both belief and action, you have a greater chance of success. Your beliefs will lead to behaviour that results in action, and action is required. 

As with all things that involve an energetic exchange, you will reap what you sow.

Have you been using your cards? What did you pull for yourself today? I'd love for you to come on over to the Woo-Woo Connections forum to share them with the community! All you need to do is log in and click the Woo-Woo Connections link under the Info link. If you don't have an account, it's free to sign up. See you over in the forum, Dee x

Card of the Day - 25th February 2022

Be of Service - Be helpful or useful to others, help for the benefit of others, the good of humankind, or the planet. Give without expectation in return from the Seeker Oracle by Ravynne Phelan.


How would you like to help? Picking up rubbish on the beach, participating in volunteer work, fostering animals, rehabilitating injured wildlife, advocating for a cause, or simply allowing someone else to pay for their groceries first - all are examples of acts of service. You don't have to take on a permanent role. Sometimes the simple act of giving another person a reason to smile can have the power to change someone's day, every now and then, even change their life.

There's also nothing wrong with feeling good because you've done something to help another person or cause. Being of service is not meant to be a one way energy exchange. You are allowed to feel satisfied at the end of a long day of volunteer work. Feeling good is a natural reward for accomplishing a task, whether it is something you have competed to benefit others or a goal you have accomplished for yourself. It only becomes problematic when we make feeling good the motivating factor instead of helping others. The goal must always be to do something that benefits others with no expectation of personal gain or reward.

We also need to be mindful of the energy exchange required by giving without the expectation of reward. Make sure the emotional, mental, or financial cost is not more than you can afford or are willing to pay. You cannot be in service to anyone if you run yourself down. Be of service, but remember to look after yourself too.

Have you been using your cards? What did you pull for yourself today? I'd love for you to come on over to the Woo-Woo Connections forum to share them with the community! All you need to do is log in and click the Woo-Woo Connections link under the Info link. If you don't have an account, it's free to sign up. See you over in the forum, Dee x

Card of the Day - 24th February 2022

Being Bull-Headed? - Don't let a wounded ego, pride of stubbornness be the driving force behind your actions from the Seeker Oracle by Ravynne Phelan.


Disagreements can arise in any relationship. We all have an option. We all want to be heard. Unfortunately, there are times when opinions clash and friends or loved ones become foe. Things can go from bad to worse when one or both parties believe that their actions are 100% justified and, in turn, take an unyielding hard-line stance that feels like a punishment.

The warring parties withdraw their support. They give each other the cold shoulder. They refuse to discuss the matter or apologise because, in their minds, they both believe that they are right and the other wrong. Like the Minotaur messenger, they choose to be bull-headed.

However, there are times when we need to ask ourselves whether the end of a relationship is worth the price of being right. What do we truly stand to lose by being stubborn if we choose to insist that we are right for all the wrong reasons?

Sometimes, unless the argument reveals an absence of respect or that core values are not shared, we need to be mindful that sometimes both sides of an argument or dispute can have a foundation of truth and integrity. Contradictory points of view can both be valid. Sometimes a concession needs to be made so peace and harmony can be maintained or restored.

If love is more important than being right, you need to make a choice to dull those horns and meet somewhere in the middle.

Have you been using your cards? What did you pull for yourself today? I'd love for you to come on over to the Woo-Woo Connections forum to share them with the community! All you need to do is log in and click the Woo-Woo Connections link under the Info link. If you don't have an account, it's free to sign up. See you over in the forum, Dee x

Card of the Day - 23rd February 2022

A Choice to Make - Stare into the flame and ask yourself, "Who do I want to be?" from the Seeker Oracle by Ravynne Phelan.


Unlike other mammals who are driven by instinct, we humans have the freedom to choose how we live our lives. Our life's journey is governed by choice, even when we choose not to act, or someone else makes a choice for us.

If you were to stop and count how many choices we were faced with during a single day, we would be counting from the moment we wake to the moment we sleep. With that in mind, ask yourself how many unconscious choices do you make, and how many are made with intent?

Do you use your power wisely? Do you make considered, educated, empowered choices?

The path a seeker walks is paved with choices. Like stepping stones, every choice marks a moment that moved us forward. Every choice we make in the present, moves us along a path to our final destination. Multiple options create a forked path and a more complicated decision to make. Every choice you make will change your life in sometimes subtle and imperceptible ways, and other times in a life-changing way.

Do you believe that you have the power to steer your life in a direction of your choosing? Understanding that to decide that you do not is still a choice.

Yes, there will always be a moment when another person's choice effects us in an unexpected and unanticipated manner. In those moments, we can feel powerless. However, while we may not have the power to change our circumstances, we do have a choice how we react and respond.

You have a choice to make: will you take ownership of that flame, the power to govern your life and determine how you live it? Will you use this power to make choices that will improve your life?

Have you been using your cards? What did you pull for yourself today? I'd love for you to come on over to the Woo-Woo Connections forum to share them with the community! All you need to do is log in and click the Woo-Woo Connections link under the Info link. If you don't have an account, it's free to sign up. See you over in the forum, Dee x